
Parent Training

Another crucial component to any therapeutic services provided to children must be parental involvement in their children’s therapy. All current research is indicating that there is a positive correlation relationship between care-over effects of therapy to real life and parental involvement. Any therapeutic services are offered during limited hours, so in order to maximize the effectiveness of any intervention (increased generalization and discrimination skills), parents must be fully involved with their children’s therapy. There are different parent training models: parent training services without direct interaction with children or intense behavior intervention/direct services in collaboration with parent training services.

Parental involvement is found to be a key factor in facilitating increased retention of learned information and skill generalization to natural settings.

While we at K&L C.A.R.E., Inc. can provide a family with the resources and training necessary to make a difference in our client's life, it is only through the vigilance and efforts of our client's family that true lasting positive change can be achieved.

Parental and familial involment and training is nearly as important as Adaptive Skills Training is for the ASD patient.